
Power & Motion Feature Stories

Technology Updates in Dual Frequency Converter Units for BizJets

Today’s dual frequency converters, such as the new DFCU from Astronics, are incorporating smart new technologies including solid-state electronic circuit breaker (ECB) technology and smart programmable outputs to deliver more functionality, in a smaller package, than ever before. This DFCU is the newest on the market, producing 4,000 watts of either 115 or 230 VAC to support passenger and utility power on any business or VIP jet in the world.

The new DFCU supports the continually evolving trend of driving up functionality while driving down weight, size, and cost. According to Kellsey Justus, VP of Airborne Power and Control at Astronics Advanced Electronic Systems (AES), ““The Astronics Dual Frequency Converter Unit provides a uniquely simple and versatile cabin power system for the large business jet aircraft. A single box solution, the DFCU not only provides passengers with convenient power to charge their hand held electronics, but it also provides higher power for galley and lavatory devices.”

There are many benefits to dual frequency converters. Whether for linefit or retrofit installation, the two frequencies means the aircraft can operate anywhere with no equipment replacement necessary. Plus, because it uses ECBs along with GFI at the outputs, aircraft designers can eliminate distribution panels, wire and installation labor to save weight and cost.

Finally, for passengers, the self-protection circuitry means no more tripped circuits or service interruptions, and greater satisfaction with the airline.

Already certified, these DFCUs will be serving soon on an aircraft near you. Learn more about DFCUs.