
Motion and Sensor Instruments

Trig-Tek™ Instruments

In 2010, we acquired the Trig-Tek™ line of innovative, precision, dynamic test and measurement instruments suitable for laboratory, military, and industrial environments. Trig-Tek™ is now a brand of products engineered and manufactured by Astronics Test Systems.  

Product Information

The product line provides an expansive array of proven test and measurement instruments.


High precision microphone and portable calibrators service any application.

Product Information

Microphone calibratorMicrophone Calibrators

Trig-Tek™ 402H
Portable, self-contained, high-intensity acoustic microphone calibration source

User Manual

Trig-Tek™ 402PSI
Microphone Calibrator providing calibration of high intensity microphones and pressure transducers

User Manual


Portable Calibrators

Trig-Tek™ 41P
Portable Calibrator is a hand-held signal generator that provides accurate frequency and level in mV and pC

User Manual

Trig-Tek™ 45EMD
Portable Calibrator provides precision signals for field calibration of measurement instrumentation

User Manual

Charge Amplifiers

Astronics offers the Trik-TekTM line of charge amplifiers, available in a variety of configurations for your application.

Product Information

Choose from our selection:

Trig-Tek™ 201AP

Amplify the outputs from piezoelectric- or mV-type accelerometers, force gauges, microphones, and pressure pickups

User Manual

Trig-Tek™ 203G8
Versatile amplifier covers the frequency range from 2 Hz to 50,000 Hz.s

and provides has three simultaneous outputs

User Manual

Trig-Tek™ 203M
Flexible amplifier covers the frequency range from 5 Hz to 30,000 Hz

User Manual

Trig-Tek™ 203PC-1/2
Operates with high temperature accelerometers where pyroelectric effects may be encountered, with frequency range from 3 Hz to 40,000Hz

User Manual

Chatter Detector

The Trig-Tek™ 850A/B Contact Chatter Detector provides a means of monitoring the continuity of switch or relay contacts while being subjected to environmental stress.

  • 10 channels
  • Adjustable time interval (1μs to 999 ms)
  • Individual fault light and fault latch per channel
  • Open or closed contact detection

Product Information

Trig-Tek™ 850A/B
The 850A/B has 10 channels, each with a separate current source to activate the contacts. Contact "Curr" dial and "X1-X0.1" switch sets the current of all the channels simultaneously for 0.1 to 11 mA.

User Manual

Clipper Modules

Two families of clipper modules satisfy your requirements for high reliability applications.

Product Information

Choose from our selection:

Trig-Tek™ 200B

Provides constant drive to the Air Modulator Valve over the rated frequency range and prevents over modulation of the valve during either a sine or random acoustic test

User Manual

Trig-TekTM DC200A
Displacement Clipper prevents over-modulation of an air modulator in an acoustic testing system

User Manual

Vibration Monitors

Monitor vibration with these full-featured modules, available in portable and standard formats.

Product Information

Choose from our selection:

Trig-Tek™ 619B

Monitors excessive vibration and provides a relay contact closure with alarm if a preset vibration level is exceeded

User Manual

Trig-TekTM 61R
Portable Vibration Monitor for use where a portable instrument is convenient or required

User Manual

Additional Instruments

Our expansive line of Trig-TekTM motion and sensor instruments offers a myriad of test and measurement functionality.

Product Information

Trig-Tek™ 260B - Multifunction Unit
Delivers up to 80 channels of digital I/O for observing and/or recording 16 to 64 channels of pressure or temperature. Consists of a motherboard that connects up to four daughterboards to the IP 1553 serial bus.

User Manual

Trig-TekTM 313A - Frequency Divider
Divide high frequency to a lower frequency with an exact integer division with 1-digit divisor increments from 1 to 9999

User Manual

Trig-TekTM 550D - Dual Filter
Two channels with variable high pass and low pass filters in a module 7" high x 2.6" wide

User Manual

Trig-TekTM 620C - Article Protector
Monitors the feedback from an accelerometer on a shaker and provides rapid shutdown when a preset limit for acceleration overtest, undertest, displacement overtravel, signal loss, or power interrupt is encountered

User Manual